Research Clinical Publications Meet the PI Meet the Team Haghighi Lab Laboratory of Medical Epigenetics Molecular mechanisms of suicide risk and resilience Research In my laboratory, my team and I study how environmental signals and insults are interpreted by our...
Research Publications Team Media Job Opportunities Research Research in our laboratory focuses on dementia (Alzheimer’s disease & frontotemporal dementia) and addiction (alcohol use disorder (AUD)). In each of these projects our goal is to understand the molecular...
Research Publications Team Collaborators Positions Blog Ellis-Davies Lab Optical Methods & Neurophysiology Research In the past 30 years the use of fluorescence imaging in biological sciences has been as important as DNA-based methods advancing our understanding...
Research Team NetClamp Software Cropper Lab Research Our experiments are conducted in a preparation that has a relatively simple nervous system – the marine mollusc Aplysia californica. The central nervous system of this animal is distributed into several ganglia that...
Research Publications Team Media Positions Clem Lab Laboratory of Emotional Brain Plasticity Research Emotional memories mediate adaptive behavioral reactions to dangerous and rewarding situations. However, memories acquired during intense emotional experiences also...