Student Resources

Best Practices for Preventing and Responding to Zoom Attacks

 All members of the Mount Sinai Community are invited to a two-part workshop series.

Click here to register!

Career Counseling

For career counseling and connections to new opportunities for PhD graduates please contact Edward Outstatcher, GSBS’ Career Services Manager.

Committee on Professionalism in Healthcare (COPHE).

The Committee on Professionalism in Healthcare (COPHE) was launched in July 2021 to promote professionalism across Mount Sinai. Mount Sinai collaborates with the Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy at Vanderbilt University Medical Center to implement this program.

The COPHE program uses a data-driven approach to provide feedback on unprofessional behaviors by faculty, trainees and students.  This program fosters a healthy and inclusive research environment where all staff, trainees and students feel comfortable speaking up because they know that their concerns are heard and acted upon. All members of the Mount Sinai community are encouraged to report unprofessional behaviors. Reports can be made confidentially by someone experiencing mistreatment, or by a witness of mistreatment to someone else, via one of the portals below:

Employee Verification Letters

Employee paid by Mount Sinai Hospital, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Queens & Affiliates (QHC & EHC):

All Employment Verification Letters are accessible through Sinai Cloud.

The instructions:

Note: For faculty and staff on visas, this letter cannot be used as a substitute for a consular package when applying for a visa at the US consulate/embassy abroad or to gain an immigration benefit which requires employer sponsorship. Please reach out to International Personnel at (212) 241-8300 if you require a consular package at least one month in advance

How to be a Mentee

PhD in Neuroscience

Successful graduate training benefits from committed mentors and motivated students

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How to Pick a Mentor

PhD in Neuroscience

A guide for young scientists on how to select a graduate advisor or postdoctoral advisor

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How to update your Mount Sinai profile page

User Manual

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Know Your Rights

The Mount Sinai Health System (MSHS) is making available online New York State and federal workplace postings informing you of your legal rights in the workplace. Now, in addition to seeing these messages posted at MSHS locations, you can find them on our Careers website and on the MSHS intranet. 

The overall purpose of these posters is to raise your awareness and keep you updated about your rights as an employee.

You can find these postings where you work and here:

Microsoft Office Software

If you are using your personal computer and you need Microsoft Office, you can download it for free using your Mount Sinai email address.

Mount Sinai Lactation Services

PhD in Neuroscience

The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) and the Mount Sinai Health System (MSHS) are committed to supporting our faculty, staff, and students as they balance family, education, and career priorities and obligations.

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MSHS Portal
Neuroscience Advanced Electives

Current Advanced Neuroscience Courses

(there are many other relevant courses offered by other training areas that may also be of interest–see the full course catalogue)

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Neuroscience Resources

Our facilities are staffed by experts who provide research services, as well as instruction and training. By taking advantage of our growing body of resources, our scientists are able to develop more effective diagnostic tests and treatments for brain and spinal cord disorders.

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Overview of Program Curriculum and Milestones

PhD in Neuroscience

A welcome letter to help you familiarize yourself with the program and what to expect as you start your graduate training

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Preferred Name

Preferred Name


Physicians, faculty, researchers, students, and postdoctoral fellows have the ability to enter a preferred name which will display on their public profiles on the and websites.

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Preferred Vendors

Preferred Vendors

MSSM’s approved vendor list

Lab supplies: VWR, Fisher
Computers: Apple, Dell, CDW

Dell Representative: Andrew Allen (

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Promoting your Dissertation Defense

Submit your information here. (

The FBI will promote, via email and on the FBI’s social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).

Rotation Guidelines

PhD in Neuroscience

A “match” between student and lab is defined as an offer from the PI for the student to join the lab

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Section 11 NRSA Program Description

PhD in Neuroscience
Mount Sinai’s Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences was established in 1968 and bestows a Ph.D in Neuroscience

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Sinai Cloud Intranet site

We encourage you to visit regularly and bookmark the Sinai Cloud intranet site. Please be sure to check for information and updates as well as quick reference guides (QRGs) that will be available soon along with links to training and other resources before and after the March 26 go-live date.

Students & Their Advisor

PhD in Neuroscience

The positive mentoring relationship between the pre-doctoral student and their advisor

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Time Away Form

Please click on the link below.

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Travel and Meals Expense Policy

The current Mount Sinai Travel and Meal Policy can be found attached/here: travelpolicy.pdf (


  1. Traveler (or a Requester on behalf of the Traveler) submits a TRAVEL REQUEST.
  2. Travel requests must be submitted before travel takes place if it is 75 miles away from the campus.
  3. Request is approved by any or all of the following: · Fund Owner (depending upon fund policies) · Department (depending upon departmental policies) · Dean’s Office (for foreign travel) · Finance (depending upon policies)
  4. Once the Travel Request is approved, Finance Department issues checks for any prepayments and advances – students, residents and fellows are allowed an advance while processing a travel request, option is available there.  If the Traveler is submitting the Travel Request only to be covered by Mount Sinai’s travel insurance, the request goes through the approvals and no subsequent voucher is necessary.


  1. The Requester submits a TRAVEL VOUCHER to Finance.
  2. RECEIPTS: All receipts should be saved in a single pdf file and attached to the voucher for reimbursement, not travel request. Meal receipts up to the listed per diem below, do not require a receipt:

Neuroscience Department Policy Per Diem:

Faculty – $70

Research Faculty and Instructors – $50

Trainees/non-faculty – $50

Once travel voucher is approved, an Employee Reimbursement will be generated instead of a check request. 

Additional Information and FAQs can be found HERE

What to Register For

PhD in Neuroscience

As a new student in the doctoral program, know what to register for in the Fall and Spring

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Zero-tolerance Policy

PhD in Neuroscience

The Friedman Brain Institute’s Commitment to a Safe Work Environment

The Friedman Brain Institute has instituted a zero-tolerance policy for harassment of any sort. We encourage people of all genders and ranks to notify the leadership of any misconduct. Knowing that this may be difficult for some, this form is anonymous. If you wish to receive a response to any of your comments, please send us your name and email address.

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